Wednesday, September 24, 2008

DWTS - The Results

"Combing the judges scores from last night and your votes from last night, we will now reveal, in no particular order, the first couple safe tonight" Come on say it along with our host Tom Bergeron! I love him!

Tonight was a big night, Jonas Brothers, Jesse McCartney and dancing! We opened with the PROs dancing to the Paso, which is one of my favorite dances. I think it great. Does anyone else get skeezed out when Julianne and Derek dance together??? Just me??? Especially in the Paso which is so sexy, it is just weird!
Tom and Samantha announce that Brooke & Derek, Kim & Mark and Cloris & Corky are safe. I am glad to see Kim staying. She might be this year's Jennie Garth and improve over the weeks. Then we have Jesse McCartney. Who is this kid? I have heard this song, but pictured some older black singer...not a 15 year old little brother of one of the Backstreet Boys...really is he the little brother of one of them?? And what does he know about flying on a G5?
After multiple freaking commercial breaks, Maurice & Cheryl are announced safe. Now the Jonas Brothers preform. There is massive screaming! Ok...what is the big deal...they aren't even that cute, well maybe the middle one, but come on! On a side note, they preformed a the wedding of my bridal gown consultant, who married their road manager/uncle.

So this season they are letting the home viewers choose the dances and songs for a 'future' Pro's dance on the results show. Presumably the NEXT results show to be seen next week???

Then we have the predicable, totally scripted trash talking montage. Did it occur to anyone else watching that Cloris and Cody look like the same person??? Just me again????

Now another announcement of two more couples that are staying....say it with me "Taking the judges votes......" Misty & Maks and Warren and Kym are safe to dance another day! The 100th commercial break and we come back to find Susan & Tony and Rocco & Karina are safe. The 101st commercial break, then Lance & Lacey, Cody & Julianne are safe. Then we have the super long, drawn out pause while the talk about the last two couples standing. Which while it is no particular order, I am surprised to see both of them in the bottom. Some horrible music and the panning back and forth, Tom announces Toni & Alec are safe!

I am sad. I liked Ted and I think he could have gone far. I am surprised he didn't have enough fans to save him b/c he was in that middle pack of 4 tied for 6th place. Sad to see him go, but I am blaming is her first season and I think the dancers have fans now too, which keep celebrities longer. Can't wait till next week!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay, I know that this is an old post, but I just have to say that I am so upset that Misty and Maks aren't able to compete anymore. I will miss Maks and his hot hip action! :)