Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Obsession with Coffee

I have talked about my liking for a good cup of joe before, but it has reached a new level. I am an honest SBC follower, but now only for drip coffee or espresso I make. While I can make a great espresso with their coffee, I have found that the baristas here are lacking the skills to truly make a great espresso drink. Unfortunately, due to the lack of SBCs here in Austin and the truly super convenience of Starbucks, I have been going to Starbucks. Now you are saying ok, but what is my new level of obsession? Well it is that I can't not have a latte if I am out of the house. I am not working right now, but yet feel compelled to hit up Starbucks every time I am out of the house and pay the $3.52 for a Grande, non-fat, 1 Splenda latte! I can't help it. I love the taste of the creamy, silky, frothy milk swirling around with some espresso. Now b/c it is Starbucks, I add the Splenda to help cut down the serious bite their over-roasted coffee has.

I leave the house as little as possible since I haven't gotten my first unemployment check yet and I don't want to waste gas or spend useless money, but when I do venture out it is like a serious voice in my head that says "GET A LATTE" and the next thing I know I am pulling off the highway and into the Starbucks drive thru. Then I get that Grande, non-fat, 1 Splenda latte in my hand and it is like ultimate release. It is seriously 16oz of heaven in a paper cup. It tastes so good. I love it. Yummy.

I need to stop this before I spend all my savings on Starbucks, or I need to find a job so that I can keep affording my habit! Or I need someone to purchase the Breville Espresso Maker off my registry so I can start making my own at home!


Vanessa Rogers said...

I can't relate because I don't like coffee, but sometimes because of people like you who love it so, I wish I did like coffee just so that I could understand.

Vanessa Rogers said...

Thanks for the advice about the Last Lecture on 20/20. It was touching. It was a five part series, did you see all of them or just the last one?

Lone Starr State of Mind said...

I completely understand--quite the addiction myself! I'm currently enjoying a Pumpkin Spice Latte in honor of the first day of Fall. Hey, what's up with all the Austin SBC's switching to a local (non SBC) brand?

AP said...

This is a question, not a suggestion, but have you tried the McDonald's lattes? I ask because I found their ice coffees to be surprisingly good, even if they are inconsistently prepared. I'm wondering if a McD's latte might hit the spot at a lower price point.